Thursday, August 26, 2010

Do you think books really help????

There are so many thousands of books already published in order to make our life easy. To help us achieve all that we would possibly want to achieve. The last time that I had visited a mega book store I had observed that there were not less than two thousand books on related topics. Makes one feel why do we need so many books? Does this really help? Do we need this really to do what we want and achieve what we want?

I am as confused as many other in this regard. To me it completely depends on the person who is reading the book. One may feel the approach of a certain book quite unapproachable yet find another book really worth the read. It all depends on what suits you. All books and authors will tell you to have a dream, believe in yourself and winning the battle over your mind yet the way they help you to achieve this could be very different. ho much you will like a book that you read purey depends on whether the way suggested to you in that book is something that you can practise or not.

I have loved this book Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill. What he enforces on is something very simple but not so easy. Firstly, you need to be very clear about what it is that you want. Try to be specific, and set a time limit on achieving it. You need a good plan in place of how you are going to get there. You also need to educate yourself so that you can achieve your goals. You need to be determined, and unwavering. Everyone comes up against barriers and hurdles along the way. You need to rise above the challenges and keep moving towards your goal, and never give up.

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